  1. Tsavo - Game

From the recording 8 Bodies Left

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Survival of the fittest is nature of the beast but an innocent man would ask for a release. To this hideous game he does not wish to play. To this hideous game he stays a slave. I can see the fear in your eyes. The truth to your lies and I feel your pain. Maybe it's a test for you and me. Hypocritic lies in a world of sheep. Rules of a book long overdue for a second look. a new point of view. I can see your eyes on me. I feel the feathers coming. They're coming in to destroy. The lack of faith we have in how much this world can destroy. want something for me to cover up all my skin. Can't you see when you open your eyes. The promotion of death. The promotion of lies. It's all right there in front of your face. Don't ask why. Just take it in faith.